Author Archive: drsp2
New Committee 2019/20
Following the AGM at the end of Lent Term, we have elected a new committee.
Chair: Claire Watters
Secretary: Tom Baarda
Treasurer: Tom Baycroft
Publicity: Juliet Thornton and Alys Williams
Concerts and Recitals: Henry Coleman
Special Events: Ben Rymer
Webmaster: Dylan Phelps
Jazz: Andrew Wang
Fixer: Nicholas Edwards
Congratulations to the new committee and thank you to all the outgoing committee members!
Lent Termcard 2019
[pdf width=75%]http://www.christsmusic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/CCMS-Lent-termcard-2019.pdf[/pdf]
Download here: CCMS-Lent-termcard-2019
Julia Wallin Master Class
[pdf width=75%]http://www.christsmusic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/julia-poster-leaflet.pdf[/pdf]
Michaelmas term card 2018
[pdf width=75%]http://www.christsmusic.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CCMS-Michaelmas-termcard-2018.pdf[/pdf]
Download here: CCMS-Lent-termcard-2018